Monday, March 18, 2024

Magazine Spread

Hey everyone!

I wanted to start working on the article for the magazine spread alongside the design, but our class got cut short, so I was only able to start the design. I chose the format and fonts that I wanted. Here is what I have done so far.

I decided on the font "Atkinson Hyperlegible." I really like how the drop cap looked in this font. It also feels professional, but still a little fun.

As for the picture, I want to do a picture of just Javier in professional dress. Unlike this picture, he would be facing the camera directly a little more. If that didn't make sense, no worries, I'll show you all soon enough.

This is Bia. She’s the girl from the picture. She’s in my media class and she’s doing a great job with her project. Go check it out! Here is her blog link: Bia’s blog

Since I was already looking at fonts, I figured I might as well look at some for the title, "Make it Happen."

I was between “Gotham” and “League Spartan.” I decided on "League Spartan," it looks longer than "Gotham" which I liked, but it was still very bold and good for our title.

I added the "shadow" effect with 16 offset, 6 blur, and 55 transparency. It made a slight difference yet noticeable difference, and I liked it better than the original effect settings. It make the font look more bold while lifting it from the page.

Stay tuned for filming this Friday!! Bye blog!

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Critical Reflection

The episodic documentary, "Make it Happen," works to develop a better understanding of immigrant’s experiences in the United State...