Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Our Genre... for sure this time.

Slice of Life Genre

Our idea for our film opening best fits the slice of life genre.

Slice of Life

The slice of life genre is centered around the workings of someone's everyday life. It is meant to mirror the real world. 


Slice of Life films are typically aimed at younger audiences, teenagers, as it is a more "relaxing" genre that does not require much analysis. It is meant to show you the events of the characters' daily lives without added meaning. The main focus is the characters' relationship with each other and how they navigate through life. 

Production Techniques

Slice of life films can be heavily reliant on the setting in which the characters are placed, typically school, since the target audience are teens. This genre, like the coming of age genre, mixes elements of drama and comedy. The events the seemingly meaningless events they show about a character are usually to set up jokes or conflict later on. 


Slice of life films are marketed toward teenagers as the genre is simple to understand. It allows the viewer to enjoy watching people navigate through their daily lives rather than having to reflect on messages hidden within the film. Teenagers can also find themselves relating to the characters and the events that take place. These films are typically marketed with television trailers. These trailers will typically introduce the main characters and the setting of the film. 


The Last Picture Show (1971)

The Last Picture Show shows a group of high schoolers living in a dying town in Texas and the events that go on in their lives as they become adults.

Boyhood (2014)

Boyhood is a story of growing up through the eyes of the protagonist, Mason. The movie was filmed over 12 years and follows Mason from childhood to adulthood. 

About a Boy (2002)

About a Boy is a film about a man who is taught how to act like an adult by a little boy.


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