Monday, April 8, 2024

Final Reflective Comments

Hey everyone!

As our project comes to a close this week, I wanted to thank you all for coming along with me on this journey with me. I am sad to see it go, but I am very proud of our final result. Editing is coming along nicely, but the process has definitely made me realize that we did not need to film as much as we did. We needed to be more confident in our storyboard. We spent so much time planning and deciding exactly what was going to go into this except of the documentary, but decided to film extra footage anyway. It made for a difficult time searching through the footage, but we managed. 

Filming is always my favorite part of these projects. It is a great bonding experience to have with your group members, and, in this case, with our subject. Seeing Javier’s office and watching him package deliveries was so much fun. It opened my eyes to an industry I had never really paid attention to. 

Finally, planning. This time around, we spent so much time planning. I had never filmed so close to a projects deadline, but I don’t regret it. I felt so prepared due to the extensive research and time that I put into my blog and this project. 

I hope you all enjoyed watching this project progress and have kept up with all of it. Thank you for being here.



1 comment:

  1. I really have loved the progress it is so interesting to see the evolution of the project. Also the sheer amount of work you put into this is astounding!


Critical Reflection

The episodic documentary, "Make it Happen," works to develop a better understanding of immigrant’s experiences in the United State...