Sunday, April 2, 2023

Film Opening

My Final Post

After weeks of documenting the process of creating my film opening, it is time to say goodbye. I didn't think creating this project would be as fun as it was, but life is full of surprises. My film opening "Phases of The Moon," is a slice of life that follows the protagonist, Amelia, through her life as maid. She is working toward opening her own inn that she'll call "The Crescent Inn." The name "Phases of The Moon," came from the idea that every time she cleans a house, she repeats the different "phases of the moon," until she gets to "The Crescent Inn." I hope you enjoy the film opening. Thank you so much for following me on this fun, though sometimes stressful, journey. Here is the link! 

Film opening (YouTube)

Back up link: Film Opening (Google Drive)

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Critical Reflection

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